Maisie Williams is Rooting For Sansa to Sit On The Iron Throne

Sophie Turner in "Game of Thrones"

In the run-up the season 8 Game of Thrones finale, it seems like every other article is about the show. If you don’t like it, then that’s too bad – winter is here boys and girls.

Maisie Williams has quickly become everyone’s favorite Game of Thrones star and in an interview with Vogue, she has revealed her favorite part of working on the show and which character she is rooting for to sit on the Iron Throne.

When asked about her favorite memory on set, she said: “Just working with Sophie [Turner]. She makes me laugh until I actually cannot breathe. All the way through shooting, we’ve clung to each other, and our friendship has just gotten better and better as we’ve gotten older.”

When asked who she would put on the Iron Throne, she backed Sophie Turner again and replied: “Sansa. She’s always really wanted it, even though it’s never been within reach. Plus, she’s a redhead.”