Top 5 Times Mark Corrigan was Painfully Cynical

David Mitchell and Robert Webb in "Peep Show"

Peep Show shaped up to be essentially 9 seasons of Mark being a horrible cynic, Jez being a man child and Super Hans being, well, Super Hans. Here is a list of our 5 favorite times Mark Corrigan revealed the extent of his skepticism.

When Mark shared his two cents on relationship counselling

“Oh great, so I’ll be spending £1 a minute to hear how s**t I am at sex. Now that’s value for money.”

When he said exactly what everyone knows but won’t admit about NYE

“All rational people agree it’s a truth self-evident that it’s impossible to have a good time on New Year’s Eve. The pressure’s too immense.”

When he compared Lazer quest to the apocalypse 

“Maybe this is what it’ll be like after the apocalypse, wandering around depressed, shooting children for fun.”

That time he taught Jeremy about the real world

“Listen, Jeremy. You don’t seem to understand. Nothing you want is ever going to happen. That’s the real world. Your hair isn’t red. People don’t walk around on stilts. Maybe somewhere you can earn a living sitting around drinking margaritas through a curly plastic straw, but in this world you’ve go to turn up, log on and grind out.”

And finally, that time he sucked the life out of the party with the morbid truth

“Everyone at this party isn’t as young, fit and single as they’re making out. Yep, let’s face it, we’re all falling apart piece by piece. Doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a couple: You. Are. Going. To. Die.”