The Marvel franchise has delivered some amazing titles this decade and it’s not hard to see why the movies generate record-breaking profits at the box office. With eighteen movies in the cinematic Marvel universe so far, ranking our favorites is a real challenge. We thought we would give it a go anyway.
5. Doctor Strange
The plot may not be the most compelling of the franchise but the stunning, surrealist visuals make for a truly mind-bending cinematic experience.
4. Captain America: Winter Soldier
Captain America might not have the strength of Hulk or Iron Man’s gadgets but he is in many ways the most admirable, human Avenger and Winter Soldier really showcases this.
3. Thor: Ragnarok
Thor, Ragnarok takes two of our favorite Avengers out of the usual setting of Earth and catapults them onto Planet Sakaar. If the intergalactic setting is not satisfying enough, the movie gets even more unexpected when Thor is forced to go head to head with Hulk in a gladiatorial arena. Exciting and at times hilarious, Ragnarok definitely deserves to be ranked highly.
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
There’s a human who is also “half Star Lord”, a badass green lady, a giant tree with a heart of gold and a raccoon with a seriously bad temper. What’s not to love?! The unlikely group start out in rivalry to flog an infinity stone but end up rebelling together then selflessly defending the galaxy. It will have you in stitches then in tears then back in stitches.
1. Black Panther
Black Panther is unlike any other Marvel movie and is a breathtaking, mind-opening feature for so many reasons. If you haven’t seen it yet, we advise you to watch it now.