Buffy The Vampire Slayer was a huge hit at the end of the ’90s and early 2000s and for good reason. First off, the petite blonde Sarah Michelle Gellar proved that girls can be superheroes too and in the best way possible. She saved the world multiple times, kicked some serious demon ass and still managed to make it to prom with her gorgeous vampire boyfriend.
Another great thing about the show is how progressive it was for its time and how relevant some of those storylines still are today. The first onscreen lesbian kiss happened on Buffy between Willow and Tara, but that’s not the only iconic moment of LGBT+ pride that came from the show.
Buffy coming out to her mom as the slayer
In season 2, Buffy is forced to confess to her mom that she is the slayer. The storyline cleverly parallels the experience many teens admit to having when they came out as queer to their own parents. Buffy’s mom just can’t get her head round the idea of her daughter being a slayer and even suggests that she tries “not being a slayer”. She then tells Buffy to not bother coming back if she does not give up her identity as the slayer and conform. Buffy cannot change who she is but once she comes to terms with it, she realises its something to be celebrated and those around her eventually come to understand and are ok with it too.
Willow realizing she is in love with Tara
Way back in season 3, the show hints that Willow could be gay through the arrival of her uninhibited vampire self. Not much more comes of the storyline until season 4, when Willow meets Tara with whom she shares an instant magical connection. Even though she loves Oz, Willow cannot deny that she has something special with Tara. Even her best friend Buffy initially struggles to understand. Nonetheless, Willow bravely follows her heart and becomes a part of the strongest and most likable couple in the entire series.
Once More With Feeling
And of course, that show-stopping musical episode which instantly became a cult classic is brilliantly queer in so many ways. It’s proof that Buffy The Vampire Slayer was never afraid to break the mould and boldly celebrates all kinds of character.
From vampires with souls, kind-hearted demons, a Jamaican slayer with a terrible fake accent and lesbian witches who help save the world, Buffy deserves to be honored for its contribution to media inclusivity and LGBT+ pride.