The End of the F***ing World, Fleabag, Peep Show... there seems to be little that connects these three acclaimed shows in terms of plot and characters. There is, however, one striking feature that runs through each of these unique series. That feature is the voice of the awkward and...
The Bechdel Test is a simple test to assess whether a movie sufficiently represents women in fiction. In other words, it’s a test to ensure that the female characters in movies are not limited to love interests and scantily-dressed sidekicks. The Bechdel Test names the three following criteria: It has to...
When it comes to the reception of Donnie Darko, two things are guaranteed. First, that even twenty years on from its initial release the film remains a cult classic. And second, no one understands the ending the first time they watch it. We're not going to explain the ending...
Since 2007, Marvel has produced more than 23 films. Since it was founded in 1932, DC has produced close to 70. Each year, both DC and Marvel bring out flashy superhero flicks that pull in millions, even billions at the box office. The epic finale of the Avengers franchise...
During this period of self-isolation, there’s no doubt that our watching time has increased. With little to do during the day and children being home from school, many families have been depending on television to help the days move faster.  Netflix has seen its viewing figures reach new heights and...
If you are in the entertainment business, you will know that social media marketing is crucial in today’s internet-crazed climate. Instagram ads, Facebook video, and hashtags all have a part to play when it comes to directing people to your website or in Netflix’s case - streaming platform.  One of...
If you are one of the billion people stuck in lockdown this week, you are probably in the same boat as the rest of us. That boat is the one that initially made the most out of an abundance of free time to indulge in some of the great...
Believe it or not, the first episode of Skins (UK) aired in 2007. It has since been named one of the best teen drama series of all time and continues to attract a dedicated cult following. The characters are likable, the stories are relatable, and even when they are...
The Handmaid's Tale is a portrayal of a dystopian society not distant enough from what is already happening in some corners of the world. Women have strict dress codes and must walk in pairs at all times. They are forbidden to read, write, and have no public voice. Of...
There's no getting around the fact that we live in an era of binge-watching. People regularly spend full evenings watching and rewatching episode after episode of their favorite show. In fact, binge-watching culture is so prevalent that many people actually wait until each episode has come out weekly so...