2019 has been a year of amazing television. It’s also been a year for saying goodbye to some of our favorite TV shows. In addition to Netflix dumping all the Marvel series, some of the top-rated series have been canceled or reached their natural conclusion this year. Here’s a final farewell to the amazing series we have lost in 2019.
Orange Is the New Black
Orange Is the New Black ran for seven seasons before the compelling story of the ladies of Litchfield finally came to a close. Reviews of the final season were mixed and not every character got the ending that fans hoped for. After a slow season six, however, a lot of us were just watching to find out what would happen to Taystee (Danielle Brooks). Her ending did not fail to hit us right in the feels.
Game of Thrones
Earlier this year, we said goodbye to Game of Thrones following nearly a decade of impeccable television. Whether you were disappointed in the ending, signed the petition to get it remade, or thought it was passable, there’s no denying that Game of Thrones has delivered year after year of top-rated drama since 2011. Our friends and foes of Westeros will be dearly missed.
The Good Place
The quirky NBC drama The Good Place is also set to come to an end at the end of the year. Given the series’ potential to venture through different timelines and dimensions, it could easily have continued into a fifth or even sixth season. Still, the creators decided not to push their luck and after four seasons of brilliantly witty and provoking television, we have had to say goodbye.
Mr. Robot
Before Rami Malek became the Oscar-winning star of Bohemian Rhapsody, he was better known for his role in the hard-hitting drama, Mr. Robot. The series creator and showrunner Sam Esmail said in a statement, “We ultimately have too much respect for Elliot’s journey to extend past its inevitable ending.”
Jessica Jones
Over the last couple of years, we have lost every Marvel show on Netflix. The final season of Jessica Jones marked the end of the Marvel TV Universe and behind Daredevil, Jessica Jones was the show we were most hoping to cling onto.
Which show are you most sad to lose? Let us know in the comments below.